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The Currituck Beach Light Station
I recently read the Currituck Beach Light Station Website and was shocked at what I was reading. The Federal Government has declared the Currituck Beach Light Station surplus property. They want to transfer this land to an eligible entity. That could mean that the lighthouse and the historical property it entails could become private and the public no longer be able to have access to this historical landmark.
I would like to directly quote this plea for help from The Currituck Beach Light Station Website at: http://www.currituckbeachlight.com/. If you feel that you would like to help The Outer Banks Conservationists, a non-profit organization, whom has spent their time, efforts, and affection rennovating and conserving this Lighthouse for generations to come, there will be some addresses and email addresses you can write.
The following discourse is what is printed by the Outer Banks Conservationists as a plea for support:
**** ALERT!! **** The Federal Government has declared the Currituck Beach Lighthouse surplus property! The lighthouse will be transferred to an eligible entity. Outer Banks Conservationists, Inc. opened the lighthouse to the public in 1991 and has spent nearly $1.5 million of private (non-tax) funds on its restoration, maintenance and staffing. Please support our application to receive the lighthouse, continue its restoration, and KEEP IT OPEN TO THE PUBLIC. To register your support for transferring ownership of the Currituck Beach Lighthouse from the Federal Government to the Outer Banks Conservationists, please email your name and address to Lloyd Childers at petition@currituckbeachlight.com.
You can also help in one or more of the following ways:
1. Make telephone calls or send emails unconditionally supporting the transfer of the Currituck Beach Lighthouse from the Federal Government to Outer Banks Conservationists, Inc., a 501(c) 3 non profit corporation to the following Senators and/or Congressional Representative:
Jesse Helms 202-224-6342 jesse_helms@helms.senate.gov John Edwards 202-224-3154 senator@edwards.senate.gov Walter B. Jones 202-225-3415 congjones@mail.house.gov
2. Write or call Secretary of the Interior Gale Norton expressing your support (She will make the final decision, based on a recommendation from the National Park Service.)
Gale Norton, Secretary - United States Department of the Interior - Gale_Norton@ios.doi.gov 1849 C Street, NW Washington, DC 20240***************
In an email written to me dated December 29, 2001, Lloyd Childers wrote the following:
Thank you for your support. We are very hopeful that we will gain ownership of the lighthouse, but have no idea when the decision will be made. Give my best to your class.
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