On February 4th, 2002, I received the following email:
Hi. My name is Nicole Ryan and I am attending a University presently. Upon doing research for a school project I found your web site and noticed the poetry that you have included on your site. I started going to Hatteras since before I could walk and continue to venture there. In 10th grade I wrote a poem about Hatteras and my experiences there. Local shops in Hatteras have put it up for sale as well as display. I thought you might be interested in reading it and maybe putting it on your web site for others to enjoy. It is specific and more elementary since I was young but I do share a love for the Outer Banks and just thought it might interest you. If you would like to read it just email me back and I would be happy to send it to you.
Thank you,
Nicole Ryan
In response to this email, I asked Nicole to send me the poem to read, and to tell me about how old she was at the time of writing.
She responded as follows: "I wrote this for my Father as a Christmas present in the year of '96. I was 13. He has been going there since he was 15 and he and his friends love to go down and fish and everything described in the poem. I love this place and often say that I will not marry a man if he doesn't fall in love with Hatteras. I used to go 6,7 times over the summer and then New Years, but with school I have only been able to make it there a few times. I love the place. So I just thought I would share that with you. Thanks for being interested. :) Have a good day."
I was delighted to read this poem and would like to share it with you, with her permission. It captures the mystique of the area through the viewpoint of a 13 year old.
"Hatteras" by
Nicole Ryan
Where mothers sunbathe in the warm sand,
Trying to get the perfect tan.
Where fathers sit and fish away,
Trying to catch the biggest fish of the day.
Where kids are swimming and making castles of their dreams,
But usually piles of sand are all they seem.
Where couples walk along the moonlit shore,
With linked hands as one another they adore.
Busy at work during the week,
Here on weekends is where best friends meet.
They party, fish, and just hang out,
Forgetting all the worries of the world about.
Is it possible that such a place could exist,
That had so many memories that one couldn't resist?
But in North Carolina, Hatteras to be exact,
This wonderful place lies happily intact.
With it's lighthouse that guides ships through the night,
With the endless shining of a big bright light.
This beautiful beach is waiting for all to come,
To share it's memories with everyone.
That's what so special about this magical land,
The memories that make up the sun, water, and sand.
Many thanks for sharing, Nicole, and all the best to you.