In Remembrance of Dan...
Husband, Brother, Friend, Colleague, and Gentleman...
January 6, 1956 to September 8, 2001
You Are Missed...
Dan experienced a fatal heart attack while working at the concession stand for his Church at a major University Football game. I remember that day in early September. The heat and humidity were unbearable, yet Dan continued his work.
Dan was a special colleague and friend of mine having several interests in common. First, we were both Music Teachers, and secondly we loved technology. The last conversation I had with Dan was in August of 2001 at the beginning of a new school year. Dan approached me and told me he had purchased a new palm held device which fascinated him. He also told me that when he purchased the device he had thought about me.
As music teacher at our small elementary school, where Dan carried his equipment from room to room, his job was extremely taxing. He met with each class only once a week, and traveled to two other schools as well. He was expected to carry out a Christmas Program yearly which encompassed the entire school. Having taught music for twelve years before transferring to a 5th grade teaching position, I knew the pressures of this task.
Dan was a very gentle, kind man...a gentleman in every way. I regret to report that he was only 45 years old at the time of his death. Dan was very religious and strong in his beliefs. I know that he was a great comfort to others during his walk in this life.
I have written the following poem in remembrance of my friend and colleague, Dan. I will miss him always and remember him fondly.